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Grounding – Original Earthing Bed Sheet

(12 customer reviews)

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Enjoy the healing benefits of earthing while you sleep!

Beneath your feet lies a most marvelous gift from Nature – the very Earth itself, naturally equipped with extraordinary healing power that may just be the single most effective medicine available.

Earthing, or grounding as it is often called, connects you to this overlooked natural energy that nurtures and balances your body at the deepest levels, draining it of inflammation, pain, stress, and fatigue.

We created Grounding for you to easily enjoy all of the healing benefits of earthing without having to spend the extra time walking barefoot on the ground for hours each day. You can now sleep and heal.

Earthing represents a health breakthrough, an effortless lifestyle add-on with surprising, and often dramatic, healing results. A simple concept, yes, but a profound one.

As an example, consider the effect of grounding on chronic inflammation, a prime agent of chronic and aging-related disorders, including cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, arthritis, autoimmune disorders, cancer, and even depression and autism. Earthing puts out inflammation and quickly reduces inflammation-related pain!

Earthing restores an essential electric connection to the Earth, lost over time because of the way we humans live. Many people go through life with pain and weak health precisely because of this disconnection. When reconnected, people feel, sleep, and look better. They are healthier, with less pain and stress.

Earthing is a health and healing reconnection that works for all ages, from babies to seniors. It restores a broken link to an abandoned natural protector – the Earth’s healing touch.

Earthing Bed Sheets are made from 95% premium organic cotton, 5% of the highest quality of silver, and they connect you to the earth’s surface as you would walking barefoot – all while you sleep.

Orders from outside the United States come with a dedicated wall adapter. These are available for countries in the European Union, Australia, and the United Kingdom.

Reasons why Earthing Bed Sheets will change your life:

  • Eliminates or substantially reduces inflammation
  • Eliminates or substantially reduces pain
  • Better sleep
  • Improves energy
  • Decreases stress
  • Improves mood
  • Reduces blood viscosity
  • Improves regulation of blood flow in the torso, extremities, and face
  • Improves glucose (blood sugar) regulation
  • Prevents calcium and bone density loss, reduces indicators of osteoporosis
  • Increases metabolic rate
  • Influences thyroid gland function
  • Reduces muscle damage, accelerates recovery from strenuous exercise
  • Speeds wound healing
  • Improves immune system response to trauma and injuries
  • Normalizes muscle tension
  • Reduces PMS symptoms and hot flashes
  • Anti-aging effects

Here’s a graphic view of improvements:

One quadriplegic’s amazing healing story

Jason Parkinson, of Sequim, Washington, is a quadriplegic with extraordinary courage and optimism. He suffered a severed cervical spine in a 1990 car crash. In September of 2017, the then 47-year-old began sleeping grounded, and grounding himself as well during the day in his wheelchair.

In January 2018, he reported a nearly 90 percent decrease in systemic pain and severely disruptive leg spasms at night, for which he has used very strong medication and even straps.

Always prone to coldness, he says he now enjoys systemic warmth. His skin has become pink, indicative of improved circulation.

A lab test in December showed that his “severely low” testosterone had soared 78 percent since he started grounding. He had been taking testosterone injections for two years, and stopped them “instinctively” when he started grounding. “I thought grounding might help with my testosterone issue,” he said. “Sure enough. It did.”

The visible chronic inflammation on his body, legs, and arms are gone.

His lung capacity, previously limited to 20 percent, has expanded to 60 percent.

Jason says his doctors are amazed.

“I’m grounding most of the day. Nearly 24 hours. The more you ground the better. Good at 8 hours, better at 12, and I’m pretty close to 24 hours every day. It’s helping me phenomenally. My energy is off the charts,” he says. “My strength and clarity are way up. My hair is thicker. My wife and caregiver say I am more confident and can cuss even more.”


Customer reviews

Based on 12 reviews
  1. T***c

    My improved sleep and my husband’s cessation of snoring was exciting enough, but the best thing that happened from sleeping grounded was that my husband’s apnea has been cured.

    We had tried a number of things, unsuccessfully, for his severe apnea, and I worried that it could be very harmful, even fatal in some cases. After a number of months of sleeping grounded I noticed that his apnea was much reduced. It continued to subside and now, more than a year after sleeping on the sheet, the apnea seems to be gone! This was totally unexpected.

    We had a chance to test these improvements out. Although we always travel with our earthing sheet (even on a cruise ship) we were recently in Ukraine, staying with people whose Soviet-era apartment wasn’t grounded. My husband’s severe snoring came back with a vengeance and kept me awake the whole time. We never go anywhere without our grounding sheet. Thank you!

  2. A***o

    Earthing has made a big difference to my quality of life – it’s been really spectacular. I have suffered from cramps in my legs for many years and had many treatments which have all helped but never really fixed the problem – the only thing that has fixed this is Earthing. Earthing is now part of my life every day and night and I am very grateful to have been introduced to it – it has certainly changed my life for the better.

  3. S***s


  4. I***a

    The grounding sheet has significantly improved my sleep, something I had trouble with due to stressful job. I also noticed that my legs and back did not hurt nearly as much as they did before. Thank you 🙂

  5. B***r

    Not bad

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